Warning: Use of undefined constant widget_share_on_facebook_register - assumed 'widget_share_on_facebook_register' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in H:\root\home\shadowcouncil-001\www\AugmentedDeveloper\wp-content\plugins\share-on-facebook\shareonfacebook.php on line 269
Augmented Developer | Gadgetry for the Next Generation | Page 6

Augmented reality offers entrepreneurs a second chance at the big names.

There is a time coming soon where I truly believe that we will no longer use a computer for most of our computing. To most this means going mobile. However to me this means getting away from cell phones as well, since to me they are small computer screens.

Some examples I’ll be putting out is gesture commands, using camera to take a picture and try to do object detection, and sound input (Siri copy).  All of these can be mapped to different kind of searches (I’ve shown audio and gesture based searching in videos from last year) and I truly believe if you make a great user experience, then you can easily beat out the big guys. 

Facebook will be antiquated and someone with a social network that works with facial detection, another technology we have working and there are API’s for.

The time is coming it is years from now, but start looking ahead and you can be the next Google, Facebook or Twitter.


The Augmented Developer

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Is telling the future possible? — Yeah way off topic, but interesting.

I saw an experiment on Wormhole that makes me think people can possibly tell the future of almost any question you could ask.

The experiment was quantum particles, they measured 12 then pre determined which they would measure an hour later.

All of the particles that were planned on being measured later matched on the weak force. As if the particle before hand knew it would be measured later.

If this is the case, what is stopping anyone from setting up the same experiment and asking Only look at the ones that mean the stock market will go up today.



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Sponsors that are just great.

Pluralsight is sending me free one month subscriptions for people who are taking my C# online course. Since I use references to those video’s you can now start with nothing but a free IDE from Microsoft. If you are taking the course or thought of taking it but didn’t know if you wanted to pay for the Pluralsight. Email me. – Thanks Jesse H!

Telerik decided to supply Telerik Ultimate subscriptions for all the local user group leaders, with a happy smile I thank you! (Also love JustCode, so much faster than resharper) – Thanks Dellaena M

O’Reilly as always kicked butt to FedEx books for an event I’m running, the Atlanta Holiday Party, while traveling on vacation. Wow.. Thanks Marsee H, Huguette B!

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Final look for Augmented Living.


Thanks again Duane knight for the incredible artwork.

This should be the final look of the basic application, keyboard works on a cycle that will change based on flicks of the eye or hand. Mouse over worked as of Sunday. Should be out before January or soon thereafter. Allowing people to communicate with the world in a monetarily disruptive way.

Augmented Developer.

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Need to go dark.

Project should be wrapped up within the month and need to concentrate on it. I should be back after Thanksgiving.

Augmented Developer

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Leap DLL’s 1.0.8 – 4.5 C#

Added Interactionbox etc. C#

Leap 4.5 DLL x86 1.0.8

Leap 4.5.1 DLL x64 1.0.8

Leap 4.5.1 DLL x86 1.0.8

Your welcome!

-Augmented Developer

keywords missing interactionbox
leap c# dll visual studio 2013 2012

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New UI Video

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New UI (again) – Moving to metro.


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Final Alpha UI look

Had to remove the third pane and put the later 2 as one to increase the readability.

Should have Pandora and Facebook usage demo’s up soon.


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Neat stuff, Netflix with eye movement or lip or finger movement alone.

Good stuff 😉

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