AL Alerting by Mail/Phone

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Patient Dashboard for Augmented living.

This is a centralized collection point for staff to know if someone needs assistance and uses the AL software.


In a mobile browser


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Learn Some basic CSS in 5 minutes –

Sitting on your butt today because of the snow? Learn some basic web code? Take 5 minutes out to understand CSS Classes.

Go to and get a basic understanding for lined CSS (Style sheets).

Below is an example on how to manipulate a web page through styles one in line and one from a Cascading Stylesheet CSS file. See how you can change these and post your picture. (For more properties other than color)

In top left HTML :

<h1 class=”h2-red”>Hi</h1>
<h1 style=”color: green;”>Hi Green</h1>
In top Right CSS
color: red;
text-align: center;

Note Align can have many

left Left-aligns the heading
right Right-aligns the heading
center Center-aligns the heading
justify The heading is justified to both margins

Try playing around with the code in the .h2-red and the HTML. Post your results.

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MVC 5 Crashes on Debug, with the failed DLL :Web App C#

keywords: Internet Explorer IE devenv devenv.exe crash mvc 5 freezes
There are a few fixes out there that didn’t work for me.

I deleted the IISEXPRESS Folder and added _CSRUN_DISABLE_WORKAROUNDS to system environmental variables rebooted etc. No luck (though this has worked for others).

What I had to do to fix: Open Visual Studio in /safemode as administrator. Then add the ASP.NET Web Project to the solution in Visual studio.

Worked first time.  Could be an add-on.

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