Augmented Reality Device Part Deux

So while this still represents an essential sixth sense device. I am preparing it for the Leap Motion and using color and Kinect motion for controls for now. (including a neat tool by a student in India called Rohil Dev called RHLCamMouse. (SOMEONE NEEDS TO hire this kid, he is still in college and cheap!)

I redid the device tonight since I may allow children to use it. To get rid of the rough wire ties.  Furthermore, I got an external usb to hdmi convertor so I no longer need to know or care about the computers outputs. finally this seems to be a fit for all Mac, Linux- Android and Windows devices, since the USB is common across all 3. Finally, it won’t require software like sixth sense or RHLCamMouse nor Opencv nor SLAR.  Since, LeapMotion seems to have taken care of that.

It will work as a gesture mouse, the pico projector as the display and camera will finally just be a camera instead of a mouse.

I added about 3 feet in wires and lost about 2 pounds and nothing is sharp anymore.

The blue is showing the new thin wires used.

This below device is what allows my USB output to output to HDMI or DVI or VGA, HDMI mini is an option for the device so it allowed for about a 2 pound loss.


Marching on!


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Sixth Sense Hardware Plus Leap = good stuff?

Using the leap device to stick out or lay flat on the sixth sense hardware would get you figer recognition with every day usage allowing for camera, finger recognition and display for full augmented reality with seemingly perfect gesture adaptation.  – brainstorming with Daniel Turnell


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Metro Guidelines – Some personal notes to share.

I went to a Metro class well given in Atlanta by GLen GOrdon and G. Andrew Duthie
Style guidelines:
Header – 42 pt                                                                                  120 pixels (vertically) forgot horizontal but all same. See store USA today Socialize, Stock App, etc. etc. etc.
Title – 20 pt                                                                                         42 pixels (vertically)
Normal Text and Link Text Navigation – 11 pt                     
SubText Teriatry – 9 pt                  
Navigation goes up top.
App Bar At bottom  – Since Thumbs are more useful there and viewable is better up top.
2 forms of navigation only flat like IE (METRO) Back and forth or Hierarchical like USA today.  

Snap Functionality in Use (320 PX)
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Leap Motion seems to have done AR right! Watch the video.

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You need to install the latest Silverlight Developer runtime before opening Silverlight project

KeyWords: You need to install the latest Silverlight Developer runtime before opening Silverlight project  Silverlight 5 x 64

Manually download the Silverlight Developer Runtime x64 from here:

The x32 is the one referenced which is why it won’t install.

Update 8-2013  download Silverlight 5 x 64 directly from here :

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Helping Organize and Speaking at Atlanta Code Camp on Sixth Sense, Odata, EF, Kinect SDK, OmniTouch, Augmented Reality.

May 19th at SPSU

Speaking at Atlanta Code Camp on EntityFramework and OData, and the current state of Augmented Reality In a Microsoft World.

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Augment Reality using Projector and Kinect is HERE!

A larger scale of the type of stuff this space has been working on.  Personally I have put my efforts here as well.

Something I had been working on though, use a portable version like sixth sense with a Pico projector and a two camera IR Kinect set (though now just a Kinect for Windows Device). This is great to see that this technology is taking off.

My aspiration is to use “near feature” on Kinect for Windows and Elevation controls skeleton, depth and color to augment to replace the Single camera on Six Sense device.  The device then just becomes a projector (though still reversed) for easy mirror movement (or not) when we keep windows 8 augmented reality devices. My idea is that  the hand movements will work rather than fingers for now, like two big texting thumbs and same xbox left and right).  Depth and skeleton makes this easy.  Though as soon as possible I can tell when the fingers are closer or further away so they can tell when one is depressed.

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Add Speech to an application Fast! (Works on Windows Server 8)

Keywords: C#,  Text to Speech , TTS, Microsoft. Free.

You can adjust voice as well, but this is plain jane and simple.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Speech;
using System.Speech.Synthesis;
//using Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis; –error for some reason even when using another thread.
namespace KinectDemo
      public class SpeechWrapper
         private SpeechSynthesizer MySynth { get; set; }
         public Action Say { get; set; }
         public SpeechWrapper()
           MySynth = new SpeechSynthesizer();
          MySynth.Rate = -4;
          MySynth.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Male, VoiceAge.Child);
          MySynth.Volume = 100;
          Say = ((input) =>


public property:
public SpeechWrapper VoiceOfTheOne { get; set; }

Set Value: VoiceOfTheOne = new SpeechWrapper();

Say Something is easy now:VoiceOfTheOne.Say(“Welcome to Augmented Reality By Daniel Turnell and Mark Rowe”);

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Pictures of building the first sixth sense device in the SouthEast with my 3 year old :)

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Windows 8 Server! – ViStart Works :)

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