MVC4 Mobile layout on it’s way!

new Index.Mobile.cshtml/vbhtml and _Layout.Mobile.cshtml/vbhtml (basically the site.master)

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Excellent posts on inexpensive Click Once

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Developing on Windows 8 First look

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New User Group in Atlanta – Windows Phone 7 Atlanta

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Basic Script to log out from ACS

<script runat=”server”>
void MyLoginStatus_LoggedOut(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
{  WSFederationAuthenticationModule acs = FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule;

 <asp:LoginStatus ID=”HeadLoginStatus” runat=”server” LogoutAction=”Refresh” OnLoggedOut=”MyLoginStatus_LoggedOut” LogoutText=”Log Out” /> ]

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Segmenting Azure SDKCTP’s from production and how to tell.

In Azure they have started created a Major versions as the signature to tell if the DLL is from a CTP or if it is in production.




File Versions starting with a 1.  are in Azure Production




File Versions starting with a  2. are part of a CTP (usable at however not usable in the current production cloud.




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Run Startup Tasks in Azure

Startup Tasks on an Azure instance before the Role Fires up.
(Also there is a nice little codeplex project at )
You can create a user then use the RunsAs command within a script if needed.
Make sure your commands are able to re-run without problem since you may come back up in a VM that you were previously in therefore you could try to install something that may throw an error if bootstrapped again.
in the CSDef (Service Definition) file within the Role Element you can add a <Startup/> command and have it fire off Executables, Batches, Commands(CMD, not command line) etc.
<ServiceConfiguration serviceName=”<service-name>” osFamily=”2” osVersion=”<os-version>”>
   <Role name=”<role-name>”>
           <Task commandLine=”FileToExecute.Extension”  executionContext=”elevated” taskType=”simple”>
           <Task commandLine=”FileToExecute2.Extension”  executionContext=”elevated” taskType=”simple”>
           <Task commandLine=”FileToExecute3.Extension”  executionContext=”elevated” taskType=”simple”>
            <Instances count=”<number-of-instances>” />
                       <Setting name=”<setting-name>” value=”<setting-value>” />
                     <Certificate name=”<certificate-name>” thumbprint=”<certificate-thumbrint>” thumbprintAlgorithm=”<algorithm>” />
           <OsImage href=”<vhd_image_name>” />
The commandLine is a link to the actual file you would like to execute.
The executionContext can be “elevated” or  “limited” 
        *elevated uses NT AuthoritySystem  or Administrator Role
        * Limited uses same level of privileges as the rest of the Application.
 The taskType can be left off since the default is simple, however if you would like the task to run in order (The startup before the role starts), you will need to keep it marked as simple or remove the taskType all together.  You can also set Background or Foreground tasks.  A background task will run in parallel with the Role instance.  The Foreground tasktype will keep the role running as long as the foreground task is running.  
From Avkash’s Blog

Important Notes: 

  • For task type simple, they are expected to return an exit code 0 to indicate successful completion. Without 0, the next task or role will not start.
  • If the commands in the cmd file do not adhere to convention of returning 0 for success, you may need to add “exit /b 0” to force it. Reference 
Cloud Cover Episode 31 – 17 Minutes in
Avkash Chauhan’s Blog
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Using Azure ACS in a web application through WIF.

Download the : WindowsIdentityFoundation-SDK-4.0.msi
Download the Web Platform Installer.  THen select MVC tools (this will allow the razor engine to be installed as well) 
Application Portal for Azure

Some ACS Setup First.

Setup the relying parties (Know your local Web server start and landing URI’s)

 Setup the Rule Group:
Use the WIF plugin within Visual Studio.



Your web.config should be altered like so:

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Azure Tools for ACS

Keeping a collection of Tools in one spot.  Self STS is a tool to help emulate Active Directory STS calls.

ACS choreography. – From a  Scott Seely video.

1. User requests page

2. Page tells user to redirect to ACS

3. User is redirected to ACS service, Presents all list sof tokens they can choose (Yahoo, Google, Live, ADFS, Facbook)

4. User chooses tokens.

5. Redirects based on token to service login.

6. After login, it gives user back a token for ACS.

7.  Redirects the user back to ACS with the provider token.

8. ACS returns the user an ACS token.

9. The User is redirected back to teh page with the security token.

10. THe page then returns the page response.


Only happens once per session. Not each page unless they leave the session.

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Cloud Integration! Getting Started with Azure.. Post 1 June CTP and Setting up first time Azure Developer Fabric

post is to help people who are just now getting into Azure with the incredible new features that have come out with the June CTP.
Step 1: Go to the new CTP Page:

Step 2: Follow the link to :
(From SDK Announcement page, Do this now!! Space will open up and your access will be granted on a first come first serve basis):

To request access to the CTP follow these steps:

•Sign in to the AppFabric Management Portal at

•Choose the entry titled “Applications” under the “AppFabric” node on the left side of the screen.
•Click on the “Request Namespace” button on the toolbar on the top of the screen.
•You will be asked to answer a few questions before you can request the namespace.
•Your request will be in a “pending” state until it gets approved and you can start using the CTP capabilities.

You can download the CTP from

If you have Server 2008 R2 you may have to uninstall or remove the Appfabric under Application – Role Services in Server Manager (You will see this in the installation package)
Unpack the SDK in some local folder Then install both:
1. AppFabricSdkCtp_(x86 or x64)
2. AppFabricVsToolsCtp_(x86 or x64)

Then locate the DSINIT file that will be unpacked during the installation.

Mine was located in :
C:Program FilesWindows Azure SDKv1.4bindevstore  open a command windows and use the following command.  Changing the C:Program FilesWindows Azure SDKv1.4bindevstore directory name to your specific location.

Do not put a SQLinstance in the place or it will null out the instance.

If you put in a SQL instance a message will appear like so:

Creating database DevelopmentStorageDb20090919…
Cannot create database ‘DevelopmentStorageDb20090919’ : A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 – Connection string is not valid)

One or more initialization actions have failed. Resolve these errors before attempting to run the storage emulator again. These errors can occur if SQL Server was installed by someone other than the current user. Please refer to for more details.

See Sun Tsu’s Blog Post.

If correctly done you should see this Message:


For SQL Express:




If it was installed properly then you should see the developer fabric ICON in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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