ESB 2.1 Install workaround (msi failures)

ESB MSI’s fail (Workaround)    ESB 2.1  (Attempt 1)
Event Viewer:

An error occurred while attempting to install the BizTalk application: A file load exception occurred while attempting to install the assembly into the Global Assembly Cache. This error may occur if the assembly is delay signed, or if assembly was renamed after creating/signing.

Strong name signature could not be verified. The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the correct private key. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013104

I came across this:

Went to add resources manually

Created a new application:

Dont name it ESB 2.1 instead use:  Microsoft.Practices.ESB


Went to add resource

Went to the C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.1Bin

Loaded all 3 sets of DLL’s (And probably a couple unneeded ones).


Added Resources


Configured Application:


Started the Application:

So now I have the resources imported. I will try the 2.0-1 conversion tomorrow.



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