All posts by shadowcouncils

Holder for Biztalk Install – ESB


C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0Windows Communication Foundation>ServiceModelReg.exe -r -y

I found it here:




Server x64

cdProgram Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010Tracking
Bm.exe deploy-all -DefinitionFile:"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.1BamMicrosoft.BizTalk.ESB.BAM.Exceptions.xml"
Bm.exe deploy-all -DefinitionFile:"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.1BamMicrosoft.BizTalk.ESB.BAM.Itinerary.xml"




If you find :

           No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Start SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER).

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Holder for Biztalk Install – 2 UDDI, Supporting Programs

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Holder for Biztalk Install – 1

cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%inetpubadminscriptsadsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1
ssomanage -serverall IRDEV  <– sets for all users
ssomanage -server IRDEV   <– sets for this user
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Starting from Scratch on EDIGUIDANCE Box

Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
SQL Server 2008 R2
BizTalk 2010 beta
ESB 2.1 Toolkit Beta
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DCPromo kills test BizTalk box.

I needed to run a test to generate a certificate using certificate services, so I had to run my local server dev box as a Domain.  I had to add directory services through the server manager.  I ran the DCpromo.  I ran my certificate tests and proved what I needed to.  Up until this point everythign was done well.
However after I was done, I wanted to get back my original user information and test box.  So I DCPromo’ed again, removed the domain and assumed my user would revert to my non-domain "Users" folder.  However once you do the DCPROMO up and back the User ->User mappings fail (this was the same error SQL kept giving me).
SQL wouldnt even start anymore and the repair failed.  I can’t log into Biztalk and the Biztalk Groups are missing from my local computer managent- User management.
Note to self:  Dont mix to many different kinds of tests.   This is leading me to completely reload the box from scratch, since I was having issues installing the 2.1 ESB tool.   THis is probably a better approach.  On Friday I should have a step by step "building an ESB 2.1 Box from scratch"
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Filtering to choose between AS2 and AS2EDI send on non ESB Port Driven Applications

Long story short we had an issue where we needed ot send EDI documents to a customer and AS2 MDN’s to a customer as a response.
The problem was when we started up the AS2 the filters werent properly set.  So every time we created an EDI message out it would send the XML over AS2 (From the AS2 only port) and the complete package EDI packages within AS2EDI send port.
Since MDN’s dont have a payload we found that this filter worked well and blocked our EDI sends from goign out the regular AS2 port.
Using this in the filter worked out well and remember it isnt a string so just False or True will work on that specific send port filter.
This is strict port binding with no Orchestrations, ESB Guidance etc.  Otherwise,I would suggest an altered Dynamic send port.
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The complete walkthrough of using an inf file to generate a certificate for AS2 via Certificate services.

Note this has KeyUsage = 0xA0  ; Digital Signature, Key Encipherment   which is needed by most VAN’s


Generate Key Encipherment certificate

Windows Server

2003 2008 R2

Public private pfx p12


Signature="$Windows NT$"

Subject = "" ; Remove to use an empty Subject name. 
;Because SSL/TLS does not require a Subject name when a SAN extension is included, the certificate Subject name can be empty.
;If you are using another protocol, verify the certificate requirements. 

EncipherOnly = FALSE ; Only for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. Remove for all other client operating system versions.
Exportable = FALSE   ; TRUE = Private key is exportable
KeyLength = 2048     ; Valid key sizes: 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384
KeySpec = 1          ; Key Exchange – Required for encryption
KeyUsage = 0xA0      ; Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
MachineKeySet = True
ProviderName = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider"

RequestType = PKCS10 ; or CMC.

; If you are using an enterprise CA the EnhancedKeyUsageExtension section can be omitted 

OID= ; Server Authentication
OID= ; Client Authentication

; If your client operating system is Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
; SANs can be included in the Extensions section by using the following text format. Note is the OID for a SAN extension. = "{text}"
_continue_ = ""
_continue_ = "dn=CN=www01,OU=Web Servers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com&"
_continue_ = "url="
_continue_ = "ipaddress="
_continue_ = ""
_continue_ = ""
_continue_ = "guid=f7c3ac41-b8ce-4fb4-aa58-3d1dc0e36b39&"

; If your client operating system is Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, or Windows XP
; SANs can be included in the Extensions section only by adding Base64-encoded text containing the alternative names in ASN.1 format.
; Use the provided script MakeSanExt.vbs to generate a SAN extension in this format.

; If your client operating system is Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, or Windows XP
; and you are using a standalone CA, SANs can be included in the RequestAttributes 
; section by using the following text format.


; Multiple alternative names must be separated by an ampersand (&).

CertificateTemplate = WebServer  ; Modify for your environment by using the LDAP common name of the template.
;Required only for enterprise CAs.

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Back on EDIGuidance Conversion

Starting from scratch since the work arounds didnt pull up the proper properties
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As2 Weird quirk- Dont use Serial numbers that start with 00

Apparently AS2 will not work with Certificates that begin with the serial number of 00.
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EDI resolution

Party Resolution

The EDI receive pipeline performs party resolution by performing a series of steps to determine whether there is a match between header fields in the message and properties in the EDI party definition. Once BizTalk Server has determined the party, it determines the document schema that applies to the interchange (see below). It uses the properties associated with the matching party and the relevant schema to validate and process the received message.

To perform party resolution, BizTalk Server proceeds as follows:

1.       Resolve the party by matching the sender qualifier and identifier, and the receiver qualifier and identifier, in the interchange header with those in the properties of a party.

2.       If step 1 does not succeed, resolve the party by matching just the sender qualifier and identifier in the interchange header with those in the properties of a party.

3.       If step 2 does not succeed, use the party values specified in the EDI Global Properties.

In the first step, for X12, BizTalk Server will use the following values to make the match:

  • ISA05 (sender qualifier)
  • ISA06 (sender identifier)
  • ISA07 (receiver qualifier)
  • ISA08 (receiver identifier)

For EDIFACT, BizTalk Server will use the following values to make the match:

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